Human Design Chart Reading

An in-depth reading of your individual chart.  Covering: Type, Strategy & Authority, Profile, Definition, deep dive into top 4 Sun/Earth activations from the Gene Keys, a look at your North Nodes, and Moon activations, overview of defined & undefined centers, Diet, Motivation, Environment, and any other relevant gates or noteworthy aspects I see in your chart.  If you have a specific question or a situation in your life you’d like to focus on exploring from the prospective of your chart, please include when inputing your birth information.   Delivered as a PDF via email.


Incarnation Gates // Gene Keys Reading

20-30 min audio recording deep dive into the 4 gates that make up approx 70% of your design.  We’ll discus their practical human design applications and incredibly impactful Gene Key archetypal shadow & gift spectrums. My favorite HD element!


Questions - Answered

Send me 1-5 questions about your own design or that of a loved one and I’ll record up to 30 minutes of in-depth answers delivered via email in the form of a personalized audio file.



Coming Soon! Pre-recorded videos and/or downloadable audio files to listen to on the go. Boundaries aren’t for some people and not others. Everyone either consciously or unconsciously sets boundaries every day with everything in our lives. Sometimes they need to be adjusted or completely overhauled. Here’s how and why to set proper boundaries.

Emotional Intelligence

Coming soon!  All the things we never learned in school re: manipulation tactics, unfair fighting, gaslighting etc, and how to maneuver them gracefully.  Pre-recorded videos, PDF cheat sheets and downloadable audio files to listen to on the go.

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